What Do Your Menopause Symptoms Really Mean?

Discover the hidden meaning of your symptoms that most medical doctors wouldn't even think to look for!

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New iPad Decode Guide
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Menopause Can Be a Lonely Time with Some Sh*tty Symptoms!

But these symptoms are not trying to drive you crazy. They're trying to get your attention and show you the way to a more vibrant and satisfying chapter of your life.

When You Download this Guide, You Will Learn How to...

circle-check-solid dark Discover the deeper meaning of Hot Flashes, Aches & Pains, and Weight Gain that most medical professionals don't even think to look for.

circle-check-solid dark Dive deep into the root causes of menopause-related depression, anxiety, and mood swings, and use those tough moments to actually experience more joy and vibrancy.

circle-check-solid dark Figure out the real reason behind your Low Energy & Fatigue and what uncommon tool can support you in going from feeling tired and moody to becoming the midlife "Energizer Bunny!"

Click Here to Get the Guide!

I call menopause nature’s cruel joke!  

You go through the emotional, hormonal, and physical shitstorm of menopause right about the time that your kids go through puberty. You’re at your least confident, and your kids think everything you do, say, listen to, and wear is the stupidest thing ever!

It sucks. I get it. But I want you to know something...

Menopause doesn’t show up to ruin your life. It’s here to guide you into a new, more deeply satisfying chapter.

If you want to access the messages of your menopause symptoms, it’s time to start decoding them rather than only trying to get rid of or fix them.

Most professionals writing about menopause are medical doctors, chiropractors, and naturopaths. They address the physical level of symptoms, but often leave out the psycho-spiritual level. You can’t separate your body from your mind, and your physical symptoms can be a doorway into the deeper spiritual and emotional issues that are calling for your attention.

I wrote this guide because it’s time to explore the deeper meaning behind your symptoms and allow your menopause symptoms to lead you into the amazing life you desire. You’ve been through a lot to get to this place; now, let’s take the shit you’re going through and turn it into GOLD!

Yours in Hot Flashes!

Dr. Nancy Shah

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